option+command+letter to open up whatever app you assign (I use this for messages, firefox, email, discord, you name it).It's one of those apps that takes a while to get used to and figure out what you wanna do with it, but I literally can't stand using my computer without it now. You can assign virtually any action to trigger an Apple Script event, so if you're familiar with those you can really do anything you want with it.
I've assigned actions to tons of little keyboard shortcuts and trackpad gestures, and I'm definitely not using it to its full potential. The touchbar customization really excels if you have it, but that's actually not the majority of what I use it for. If you liked my suggestions here, I send out a weekly newsletter with hand-picked app recommendations. Please recommend any other awesome app that you know in the comments. The free version is sufficient for most people. I regularly use the "search on Google, Amazon, etc." shortcut and the "define" shortcut. Use my link to get 1 month of unlimited noise removal free. I use it for my Zoom calls and for recording any audio, like for screencasts.
Although this app comes with an upgrade package, I've never felt the need to upgrade.

Apart from that, I love being able to have a clipboard history synced between my MacBook and iPhone.